新萄京娱乐 Releases

Latest releases from 新萄京娱乐

Government must act to force Meta to pay for journalism

Meta’s announcement today that it will seek to avoid its obligations to pay Australian news outlets for their content is a damaging blow to the public’s right to be informed ...

Global journalist unions call for US government to free Assange

MediaRoom, Releases
On the eve of a crucial court hearing in London, journalist unions around the world have joined forces to call for the United States to drop espionage charges against Julian Assange ...

Charges against Assange must be dropped

The United States Government should respect Australia’s wishes and drop the charges against Julian Assange before a court hearing begins next week, says Assange’s union ...

New chair must restore ABC’s reputation for independence 

The incoming chair of the ABC, Kim Williams, must immediately move to restore the reputation of the national broadcaster by addressing concerns about the impact of external pressures on editorial decision making.  ...

ABC staff ‘have lost confidence’ in managing director

Union members at the ABC have today passed a vote of no confidence in managing director David Anderson for failing to defend the integrity of the ABC and its staff from outside attacks ...